Free Chaparral Tutoring Resources
Most importantly, please reach out to the teacher of record for additional support if you/your student is struggling.
Math Tutoring is available on campus before school, during lunch, and after school. No appointment necessary.
Math and Science Tutoring is available through MAST. Please complete this Google form so a club member/tutor can coordinate a day and time with you.
NHS student volunteer tutors are available. Students, please speak with your counselor for more information.
Free tutoring session in the library after school every Tuesday from 2:30PM to 4:00PM.
Please just show up if you would like to participate!
Community Resources
This list is provided as a resource, only. Chaparral does not endorse or certify those listed.
Private, Academic, Adult Tutor List - The price varies and is set by each private tutor.
Online Tutoring Resources
NOTE: Links to non-SUSD sites are provided for the visitor's convenience and do not represent an endorsement by SUSD of any commercial or private issues, products, or services. Note that the privacy policy of the linked site may differ from that of SUSD.
Multiple Subject Areas
- Hippocampus: educational videos in math, science, social studies, and English
- IXL: math, language arts, science, social studies, Spanish, ACT/SAT
- Khan Academy: math, science, social studies, economics, and more, including test preparation (SAT/ACT) content
- Purdue OWL: online writing lab that offers support through online reference materials and services for creating citations, cover letters, writing help, and general writing advice
- mathispower4u: over 8,000 free, mini-lessons and example videos from arithmetic through Calculus III
- University of Arizona: free tutoring Monday through Sunday; new tutors added weekly
- Amoeba Sisters: high school biology focus
- CELLS alive!: biology resource to explore and study cells
- ChemGuy Video Series: overview of chemistry topics, as well as demonstrations
- Chemicool: chemistry resource with periodic table information
- Learn AP Physics: free practice problems
- PhET:
- ScienceHack: search engine for science experiments, projects, movies, and news
- The Physics Classroom: simulations and free resources
Social Studies
- Critical Past: vintage stock footage and millions of stock photo images; specialties include World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, The Cold War, Worldwide Political Figures, Industrialization, Culture, Civil Rights, Transportation, Aviation and Space
- EyeWitness to History: information on history from the Ancient World to the present
Foreign Language
- Adventures in Japanese: textbook website with student resources
- China Education Center: free online Mandarin Chinese lessons
- Duolingo: free, fun, and effective way to learn any language
- Fluent in 3 Months - French: 30+ free online French resources
- mondly: free Japanese lessons
- NHK World: Japanese conversation lessons
- StudySpanish: Spanish pronunciation, vocabulary, and more
- TOFUGU: grammar help, podcasts, and more